Emotional ties are crucial to excel in oversaturated retail environment. We offer you 10 tips how your points-of-sale can work better for the benefit of you and your customers.

1. Create well-arranged sections
Provide eyes…

Unplanned purchases and how to boost them

You surely know the situation when you went to a store to buy few necessary things and finally bought twice as full shopping cart. Most likely the communication at points-of-sales largely influences us to buy unplanned item…

In-store in Shanghai and Peking

We just came back from the world, where we went for another in-store adventure with the traditional goal to get inspired and check out new trends in P.O.P. communication. This time, we headed for China. First we visited C-sta…

The actual trends in the P.O.P./P.O.S branch: Efficiency, Modern Technologies and Interactivity

The P.O.P./P.O.S branch has developed in many ways over the previous few years. Clients focus on strategic and clearly defined goals, so there is needed a comprehensive approach that uses the most modern technologies. For us, it means maximizing the effectiveness and potential of P.O.P. tools, all in the correct context.

The most popular means include especially floor and rack means as well as promotions. Nowadays, there is greater interest in interactive and lighting means, whose sophistication and quality increases thanks to the modern technologies and materials. Even “simple” displays can include up to ten types of technologies. Of course, this puts great demands on manufacturers and their technological equipment not only in the sphere of investments, but also in terms of know-how. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the basic rules. P.O.P./P.O.S. means must be as clear, simple and understandable as possible. Further, they must be visible, standing on an exposed spot and integrated into the correct context. In fact, then a simple principle helps. Promotional materials at the point-of-sales must be set up to be understandable for customers within three seconds, visible from four sides and must communicate in five words maximum.

Progress in materials, processes and technologies

Times are changing and for production, there are being used more often materials that support savings and also design advancement of products while maintaining proper functionality and appearance. Among other things, they also reflect the environmental trends of the economical sustainability, for example displacement of the traditional PVC. Even in the case of standard P.O.P. elements, there has been placed an emphasis on detail processing, where, on the contrary, materials providing the necessary impression get some room, but often it is more about a good idea. At the same time, the pressure on the print quality increased which develops along with the development of printing technologies. While screen process printing had been used in the sphere of P.O.P. until recently, today this technology has been mostly replaced by digital printing with increasingly high resolution quality. In the case of lighting elements, fluorescent lamps have been almost completely replaced by LEDs over the last two years.

The current customers require a comprehensive approach

Nowadays, we increasingly register the term “Omnichannel Shopper”, a modern customer using mobile devices or internet for shopping. In the context of the obvious potential, an increasing number of marketing initiatives focus on connecting three key components: in-store, digital and experience communications. In other words, multiple channels (Multichannel, Omnichannel, Crosschannel) need to be fully and meaningfully used to acquire and establish a long-term relationship with customers. We can see this trend in more and more frequent use of multimedia applications in in-store P.O.P. realizations. Interaction with customers is desirable as to our experience and even quite affordable in today´s modern technologies era. This is why it is increasingly important to offer a comprehensive approach, such as Complex In-Store Solution, which helps to increase the effectiveness of P.O.P. communication campaigns.

Martin Vorel

This edited article was published in the Tovar&Predaj magazine

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